Sonnenschein SL12 Sealed Lead Acid Rechargeable Battery

12.8V 40Ah Sonnenshein Lithium HC (High Current) Battery, SL12 40HC HIGH CURRENT MODEL

Sonnenschein Lithium HC (High Current)

Sonnenschein Lithium is a range of 12, 18 and 36 Volt Lithium battery modules. These Lithium modules offer signifi cant cycling, charge time, weight and volume improvements over similar lead acid battery modules.


Sonnenschein Lithium modules are ideal when Advanced Energy Systems are required. Excellent fl oat and cycle life with zero maintenance offers end-users signifi cant cost of ownership savings and complete peace of mind, through safety inherent in Sonnenschein Lithium chemistry.

The Sonnenschein Lithium Battery Management System is also designed to offer excellent control functionality (including remote monitoring) when coupled with Sonnenschein Lithium Battery Modules. Sonnenschein Lithium monitoring and diagnostic kits are also available enabling system data recording and detailed performance status indicators. This technology has been deployed commercially since 2006.


> 2800 cycles at 100% DOD and 4000 cycles at 80%
DOD (Actual cycle count depends on the application)

* Exceptional voltage stability
* Can be connected up to 700V and 1000Ah
* Maintenance free
* Intra-module balancing
* Compatible with a range of GNB Lithium chargers
* Communication of monitored data via Battery Management System (BMS)
* Rugged mechanical design
* Flame retardant plastics
* LED battery status indicator
* Carrying Straps (SL12 110HC, SL12 138HC and SL18 69HC)
* Manufactured in standard BCI sizes
Click here for the Sonnenschein Lithium Block Range Datasheet.

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Product Model:SL12
Technology:Sealed Lead Acid (SLA)
Information Link:
Rechargeable / Non-Rechargeable:Secondary (Rechargeable)
Hazardous & DG Class:
(NB IAtA Regs may apply)
Manufactured By:Sonnenschein
Original Brand:sonnenschein
Cell Profile:
Termination:M6 x 1.0
Length:19.7 cm
Width/Diameter:13.1 cm
Height:18.2 cm
Technology Charged:
Standard Charge Current:
Standard Current Charge Time:
Quick Charge Current:

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